2025 Fees & Levies

FAMILY FEE $1,625.00 $1,625.00 $1,625.00 $1,625.00
CURRICULUM LEVY $  375.00 $750.00 $1,125.00 $1,500.00
SWIMMING LEVY $  125.00 $250.00 $375.00 $500.00
EXCURSION LEVY $  160.00 $320.00 $480.00 $640.00
TOTAL  $2285.00 $2,945.00 $3,605.00 $4,265.00

CAMP 3 / 4: $230.00 (PER CHILD)

CAMP 5 / 6: $430.00 (PER CHILD)


Melbourne Catholic Archdiocese Schools (MACS) Concessional Fee Policy St Monica’s Concessional Fee Policy
The following families are strongly encouraged to apply for concessional school fees:

  • Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  • Any family holding a Health Care Card and eligible for CSEF
  • Any family experiencing severe financial hardship
  • Any family holding a DVA Gold Card
  • Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard

Camps, Sports & Excursion Funding CSEF ($150.00)

The funding of $150.00 per student, made available by the government to families with Healthcare Cards to offset costs associated with camps, sports and excursions.

Parents with a valid Healthcare Card are eligible to apply for (CSEF) 

Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund of $150.00

CSEF Forms are available from the school office

The School Fees for eligible students are:

  • 1 child – $780.00 per annum
  • 2 children – $1196.00 per annum
  • 3 children – $1560.00 per annum

The above fees cover both Tuition Fees and Levies.
Applications for concessional school fees must be made on the St Monica’s Catholic Primary School approved form. Available from the school office. If any family is experiencing financial difficulties at this time and would like to discuss alternate arrangements, please contact the school office.

Payment Options:

  • Annual amount at the beginning of the year; or,
  • Chosen instalments paid at the commencement of each term or as per schedule
  • Centrepay is a free bill paying service available to parents who receive a Centrelink payment, Family Assistance Payment or Parental Leave Pay. If you wish to participate, please contact the office to arrange your fortnightly deductions.

Please note our school fees are subject to an annual increase if deemed necessary in consultation with our MACS business manager.