
Numeracy encompasses the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students need to use mathematics in a wide range of situations. It involves students recognising and understanding the role of mathematics in the world and having the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical knowledge and skills purposefully. 

At St. Monica’s we aim to give students a “hands on” understanding of Mathematics, which relates to real life. We strive to prepare students for a world where problem solving and constant change dominate.  We strongly support the MACS Get in2 Maths – Transforming Education in Numeracy / mathematics strategy. 

Learning in Mathematics fosters creative and critical thinking ensuring so that  all students are exposed to a full curriculum for as much as possible during their time at St Monica’s.

We believe students need to develop and consolidate their understanding of basic mathematical concepts, which they can then translate into their everyday lives.

Mathematics is not just about being able to solve algorithms; but having the skills, knowledge and aptitude to go further.

Students are involved in activities designed to emphasise interaction, collaboration and organisational skills. Our lessons follow a launch, explore and summarise approach. 

Launch Phase: where students experience Short and sharp concept engagement

Explore Phase:  where students venture more deeply into the concept introduced in the launch. This phase is either a whole class, small groups, pairs, ability or mixed grouping or as individuals. During this time teachers re-clarify a concept  and provide explicit focused teaching instruction.

Summarise phase: where connections are made! This is where the main teaching occurs, links are made for students between prior knowledge and new knowledge and misconceptions are addressed.

Our Mathematics program is centred around delivery of important mathematical concepts through the use of:

  • challenging problems;
  • ‘rich tasks’;
  • open-ended questions;
  • extended investigations;
  • games;
  • building mental computation strategies;
  • visualisation;
  • discussion of solution strategies; and,
  • the appropriate use of materials and representations supported by current ICT resources.